While the COVID-19 pandemic brought about unforeseen emergency circumstances for the healthcare industry, it also exposed vulnerable gaps that showed the weaknesses in our systems. Currently, healthcare organizations must navigate a historic staffing shortage while maintaining high-quality care and sustainable business operations.
According to HealthLeaders, recent studies show that the healthcare industry has lost anywhere from 20-30% of its workforce over the past two years, and many healthcare workers still employed are actively considering a change in jobs.
And, while supply is shrinking, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected a 14% growth between 2020 and 2030 for the overall employment of medical sonographers and cardiovascular technologists, and a 19% growth in that same period for diagnostic medical sonographers. This is significantly higher than the 8% average for all other occupations in the U.S.
How will your organization keep up with this kind of demand?
Why Update from a Traditional Staffing Model to a Shared Service Model?
The events of the past two years have prompted many healthcare organizations to reevaluate their staffing models and consider new approaches to ensure they have the right people in the right roles at the right times.
Traditional staffing models have proved ineffective in times of crisis and cannot deliver the reliable staffing support necessary to combat shortages. Radiology departments, in particular, need greater flexibility so you can set your staff up for success and more easily respond to future challenges.
A shared services model provides this flexibility, so you can continue delivering excellent care, regardless of what lies ahead.

The Benefits of a Hybrid Staffing Model in Radiology:
Your healthcare organization needs a way to respond to the current staffing crisis, adapt to employees’ changing needs and expectations, and stay on the vanguard for any adversities in the future.
Roshal Health provides a solution that does all of that. Our end-to-end imaging staffing model offers a hybrid of scheduled and on-demand services that can be custom-tailored for your radiology department. Whether you need to fill a short-term staffing gap, or you want access to a bench of certified technologists 24/7/365, we can help.
You don’t have to navigate the tight labor market or invest in hiring full-time technologists; we have you covered for all scenarios and give you more flexibility in how you allocate radiology resources now and in the future.
Here’s what Roshal’s hybrid staffing model includes:
On-Demand Diagnostic Imaging Services
It’s hard to predict when you’ll need imaging scans for emergency healthcare. As a result, healthcare organizations often pay for technologist staffing support that doesn’t justify the volume because the alternative is to risk not having adequate coverage for emergency situations.
Roshal has a better option. With our on-demand ultrasound and echocardiogram services, you can access our bench of 24/7 certified technologists at any time, and we guarantee they will arrive in under an hour.
This means you don’t have to have technologists onsite unnecessarily, and you don’t have to go without coverage when you need it. We step in to support your staff and help resolve feelings of burnout across your department, so you can increase morale and productivity.
Scheduled Services
Through our shared services model, we provide certified technologists who fill in your staffing gaps on a contract basis so you don’t lose any momentum with your imaging schedule. Our scheduled services cover ultrasound, echocardiogram, and CT scans.
Not only do our 24/7 technologists complete critical imaging scans, they also conduct compliance checks and ongoing quality reporting to ensure your equipment and department protocols remain topnotch.
Adapt to the Challenge
As the healthcare industry approaches two years of battling the COVID-19 pandemic while experiencing a workforce exodus, radiology departments need talented, compassionate people now more than ever. Roshal Health has a team of technologists who fit this role and are ready to support your organization, whether on a scheduled or on-demand basis.
Through our hybrid staffing model, your department can easily adapt your staffing schedules and processes to meet changing demands. This means that no matter what challenges follow the pandemic, you will be prepared to face them with the right people in place to deliver person-centered care.
To discover how a hybrid imaging staffing approach can work for your organization, visit our Diagnostic Imaging Solutions or contact us to get in touch with a member of our team.